IV Boost UK

Reviving IV Boost UK's Online Presence Post Google Medic Update


About IV Boost UK

Like numerous healthcare platforms, IV Boost UK found itself grappling with the repercussions of the 2018 Google Medic Update. The pressing need of the hour was to align with a proficient full-service digital marketing agency that could rejuvenate their online standing and catalyse business queries and sales.

making a difference

What We Did

Our meticulous analysis of IV Boost UK’s website unearthed a series of black-hat SEO tactics, which had precipitated a marked slump in performance. Additionally, the website lacked the trust quotient, a non-negotiable for patrons seeking medical treatments.

To restore the website’s vitality and bolster its trust factor, we embarked on a comprehensive digital marketing revamp:

  1. Website Revamp: Modernised the platform to emanate a more credible clinic image.
  2. Security and Speed: Migrated the site to HTTPS and enhanced its speed metrics.
  3. Content Enhancement: Optimised key pages to elevate search visibility and user experience.
  4. Detoxifying Links: Purged all toxic inbound and outbound links to ensure clean SEO practices.
  5. Quality Backlinking: Forged high-calibre backlinks from esteemed sites to boost authority.
  6. Authoritative Pages: Curated new pages to further accentuate the site’s authoritative stance.
  7. SEO-Driven Blog Strategy: Implemented a blog strategy centred on answering prevalent customer queries, leading to a more qualified organic traffic influx.
  8. Google Ads Strategy: Tapped into Google ads to usher in relevant traffic as the site underwent its recovery phase.

The Results

Our efforts culminated in a remarkable turnaround:

  • A whopping 189% surge in first-page rankings.
  • Organic sessions saw an upswing of 110%.
  • A significant 80% growth in customer inquiries.

With IDCX’s expertise, IV Boost UK not only mitigated the setbacks from the Google Medic Update but also established a robust online presence, resonating with trust and authenticity.


 surge in first-page rankings


organic sessions saw an upswing


 growth in customer inquiries