
Amplifying Lakeside Hire's Digital Presence through Integrated CRO, SEO, and PPC


About Lakeside Hire

Lakeside Hire stands proud as the UK’s premier choice for equipment hire & tool rental, catering to both B2B and B2C segments. Their reputation for impeccable service quality at competitive rates has solidified their status as a preferred provider for diverse projects, from house repairs to construction. However, Lakeside Hire aspired to fortify their digital standing further, aiming to become an indomitable force in the UK market. Their vision was clear: achieve sustained and organic digital growth while minimising advertising expenditures.

making a difference

What We Did

Our mission was to synergise three potent tools: CRO, SEO, and PPC, aiming to elevate both phone call interactions and e-commerce sales.

1. CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation):

Focused on refining user experience, we targeted pivotal website pages, ensuring they’re optimised to boost business profitability. Leveraging A/B testing coupled with renowned tools like, CrazyEgg & HotJar, we enhanced:

  • Shopping Basket
  • Category Page
  • Checkout Process
  • Homepage
  • Product Listings

Our primary objective was streamlining the purchasing journey, eliminating friction and facilitating swift conversions.

2. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation):

Our comprehensive SEO audit unveiled crucial technical glitches, including detrimental ‘toxic’ backlinks that hampered website performance. Post their removal, we embarked on exhaustive keyword research. This exercise helped us discern Lakeside-Hire’s existing market positioning and potential content avenues. The resulting insights were crystallised into a strategic content calendar, guiding the creation of new pages and informative blog posts.

3. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising:

To harness the full potential of Google Ads, we crafted a multitude of city or area-specific dynamic landing pages tailored for the UK audience. These pages were meticulously designed to optimise either phone interactions or e-commerce sales, ensuring enhanced relevance and subsequently, a reduced cost-per-click.


The Results

By harmonising CRO, SEO, and PPC strategies, we not only tripled the conversion rate for Lakeside Hire but also fortified their digital footprint, setting them on a trajectory of sustained growth while optimizing advertising expenses.


increase in website traffic


increase in leads generated


reduction in incomplete orders